About Us
Paul Kirby
The Home Page describes my working life.
In my spare time I enjoy cycling, rambling, watching rugby league and going to gigs. And of course, TRAVEL! And the community, voluntary and campaigning work keeps me pretty busy too.

Elke & Paul
Elke Goebel
I am a native German now resident in the UK. Fluent in English, I provide a first-class translation service from English into German. With over 20-years experience in administration, project work and marketing, I was also responsible for websites and all social media of a small business in Switzerland. Completing my first class degree in Business Administration at the FFHS Switzerland in 2019, whilst working as an architect’s Project Assistant, was an particularly satisfying achievement. As part of my degree I designed a survey on people’s social media preferences in finding a professional (architect) company. I am competent in InDesign publishing software as well as Photoshop for creating the perfect image.
My aim is to become the unofficial ambassador for German-Speakers in Yorkshire! I am passionate about God’s Own County and thoroughly enjoyed my role as tour-guide showing family and friends around its varied landscapes and delights. I write a German blog 'Entdecke-Yorkshire' to provide an insight on life here to Germans, Swiss and Austrians. I have two lovely daughters and an adorable grandchild. My other interests include nature, photography, cooking and exploring as much of the world as possible.
PK Marketing has worked with a wide variety of organisations that expect the highest standards
of professionalism and quality of product